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Rehab Center Construction Update

Construction is in full swing on the Rehab Center. After less than a year, the Men's Center is nearing completion. Exterior details are being completed. Decorative metal railings, window covers, and stairs are being custom built. The septic system is in place and interior finishing will begin soon. Materials for the ceilings, fixtures and tiles have been delivered and are ready to be put in place.

As the construction begins to come to a close on the Men's Center, the Women's Center is changing every day! God continues to bless the ministry with resources keeping the projects on schedule (though project timelines are very loose in Central America!)

Women's Rehab Center Construction Begins:

A strong foundation: The footer extends nearly 6 feet into the steep hillside. The unbelievable fact is that ALL OF THIS WORK IS DONE BY HAND.....NO MACHINERY! Even the cement is mixed by hand on the ground and carried in 5 Gal Buckets!

The Women's Center will be 3 stories high with toilets and showers on the bottom two levels. Bunk rooms will house 50+ women. The entire third floor will be open and used for trainings, bible studies and worship. Currently the 1st floor is nearing completion. Covered porches for sitting will extend from the front walls of each level. In just two weeks, concrete headers are in place on the lower walls and upper 2nd floor walls are nearly halfway erected!

While the walls of the Centers continue to go up brick by brick, some of the most important aspects of the project are out of site and unnoticed. One of the most important aspects of the Rehab Center is the development of the philosophies that guide its process. The reality of addiction is complex. "Answers" to these problems are not simple and require an approach that not only deals with the deep roots of addiction in a persons life, but can also encompass the complex nature of the context of their lives. Each case is unique requiring individualized plans of care focusing on the entire person. The rehabilitation process will be holistic in nature focusing on all aspects of the person and not simply on the physiological nature of the disease.

Addiction is bondage, something that holds a person captive. Living with addiction is like being bound by a strong rope powerless and unable to free oneself. If you look closely at a rope, you will see that it is made up of three distinct yet smaller cords. Each of these cords by themselves are weak and often unable to bear any weight, being easily broken. As these three cords are wound together, the result is unbreakable and capable of bearing great weight. The same reality is found in addictions. The things that hold a person captive, by themselves are often weak and easily overcome, but joined together, become overpowering and enslave a person's life. Addiction is made up of 3 primary strands [A person's thoughts/emotions, Physical Dependency on a substance, and a person's Spiritual life]. To move out of a life of addiction, each of these areas must be liberated and untangled from each other. This process is slow, painful and often met with setbacks and is only possible with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Real and lasting change is only found in and through Christ. He is the chain breaker, the one who sets the captives free, who has paid the price of our sins and stands as an advocate for us.

As with many things in life, it is the parts of a project such as this that are out of site, below the service or unnoticed that make all the difference. As any builder knows, a building is only as strong as the foundation that it stands on. Jesus spoke of this idea in Matthew 7:24-27. Wise builders, build their "homes" on a strong foundation, a rock, something that is unmovable even when the winds and waves swell around it threatening to consume it.....but still it stands!

Even before bricks were stacked one atop the other, the foundation for this project has been laid firmly in the heart of the Ministries founder. Over the years, stone after stone has been laid in place preparing the Ministry for such a time as this. As the project moves forward, it is the unseen preparations that will emerge as the most important part of the process. It is what has done within us, in that quiet secret place with God, that defines the very nature of our life, its course and its outcome.

Continue in prayer with us, as the project moves forward to completion. As you stand in the gap for the ministry through resources and prayer, know that your labor is not in vain, the fields are ripe for harvest! God has made a way and a place for the lost to be found!

Prayer Teams Focus

  • Pray that God will continue to open the windows of heaven wide over the ministry providing abundant resources for the development of the Rehab Centers and expansion of projects throughout Nicaragua.

  • For wisdom as the ministry develops the processes and philosophies that will guide the day to day functioning of the Center as well as the treatment protocols.

  • Pray that the property will be heavily anointed with the Holy Spirit. That it will be a place of freedom, restoration and healing.

  • Pray that Thousands of lives will be transformed in the power of Jesus, lives shifted for Eternity, families healed and reunited and communities forever changed from the inside out!

  • That a full time ministry team will be called, appointed and qualified by God to lead the Centers.


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