State of Nicaragua Update:
it is important to provide an update on the current state of Nicaragua. Our hearts continue to be heavy as the country moves further into a state of near civil war since early April. Prior to April, the Ministry was conducting monthly outreaches led by Dilcia Gamero in the country. Due to the dangerous unrest, she has not traveled, keeping close watch as the situation has unfolded. We continue in prayer asking God to bring peace to the country and healing to the Nation. Updates on the Blog have paused at this time due to the sensitive and dangerous nature of the situation within the country. Our goal is to continue outreaches and completion of the Rehabilitation Center while keeping ministry teams safe. This will allow the Ministry to continue to move forward once unrest within the country comes to an end allowing services to be available when most needed.
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant if for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive" Genesis 50:20
Even though ministry teams from the United States have temporarily discontinued travel to Nicaragua, outreaches continue through God’s Grace and the faithful hearts of team members living in Nicaragua. The Ministry has received requests since April asking for assistance with youth soccer outreaches in Ocotal. Many of these youth struggle with addiction and belong to opposing gangs in various sectors of the community. These groups often violently interact when not on the field, but through God’s Grace and provision, the Ministry has been able to provide resources and supplies to support these outreaches.
Nearly 650 youth have been reached through these tournaments. Teams play tournament rounds for a series of weeks ending in a playoff game and celebration with food and trophies. Together with a local pastor, team members work with the at risk youth. They meet each week providing mentoring, prayer and opportunities to share the Gospel. Many youth have given their lives to Christ during these outreaches! The youth express their gratitude for the tournaments acknowledging that they often feel forgotten. It is amazing to watch (from a distance) the impact of these simple, yet profoundly effective outreaches. Relatively small financial investments like a few soccer balls, trophies and a meal can impact the lives of hundreds of young people living without hope. It is because of the Generosity of financial partners and the faithful work of team members in Nicaragua that allows Hope to be found in such dark and uncertain times within the country.
Prayer Teams Focus
Pray that peace will once again be found in Nicaragua and that a true democracy would form under Godly leadership.
Pray that the violence will end and families will heal, that a spirit of joy will replace mourning, that what was meant to destroy will be used as a platform for lives to changed and hearts to encounter the Hope found only in Christ.
Continued prayer for the youth of Nicaragua, that the chains of addiction would no longer hold them and that hope and a future would be found through the example of your Nicaraguan brothers and sisters.
Please pray as the country rebuilds a future, that the economy and the education system would revive to provide the youth with skills and opportunities that would move the country out of the poverty both spiritually and financially that countless generations have encountered.
Pray that this is a new season for Nicaragua, that the brightest days are ahead!