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Community Outreach Update

We serve a Faithful God, who uses all things and all situations for the good of those who love Him (Paraphrase Romans 8:8). 2018 proved to be a challenging year due to political unrest throughout Nicaragua, Yet God's faithfulness and the seeds that the Ministry had planted continued to develop even in the midst of uncertainty.

For much of 2018 and into the beginning of 2019 Teams did not travel to Nicaragua. Though there was an absence of international teams, numerous projects continued. Faithful team members who live in Nicaragua provided continued support working with at risk youth, disabilities outreaches (financial assistance for prosthetic limbs) and the continued development of the Rehabilitation Property.

In Early 2019, the Founder of the Ministry traveled safely to Nicaragua and restarted outreaches in rural areas around Ocotal. Partnering with a Local pastor and team members, Dilcia conducted outreaches with children, youth, the elderly and local congregations.

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” - Matthew 9:37-38

As formal outreaches began again it was obvious that the fields were ripe for a spiritual harvest. The previous year of political uncertainty and the continued impoverishment of rural communities provide an environment for unlimited opportunities to bless individuals and families in need.

Teams experienced highly receptive communities. Children, youth and adults (some in their 70's) committed their lives to Christ! Outreaches during the summer of 2019 proved very successful and have resulted in new opportunities leveraging important connections with influential leaders in numerous communities.

Prayer Teams Focus

  • Pray that teams will continue to build long term relationships with local communities

  • That doors continue to open with influential leaders

  • Pray that resources continue to flow as increasing needs are uncovered throughout the region

  • Pray that local pastors and congregations will fully engage themselves supporting the development and growth of community members

  • That Grace and renewal is preached widely, opening the doors wide for anyone in need.


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