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June Outreach Update

The team visited the school at San Andres providing school supplies for a special program that provides education for high school students who work throughout the week. The students are able to complete classes on the weekend allowing them to provide needed support to their families. 

Every month brings new outreach opportunities. God not only blesses the projects that are underway, but also provides Divine opportunities that unfold new blessings and opportunities to share the message of God's great Love to His people.

Ask me and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. [Psalm 2:8]

Rio Coco Outreach (San Andres)

While the team was at the school they were able to pray with the younger children. The school building is in poor condition. Classrooms are regularly soiled by animals that wonder in through the broken fencing. Even with these conditions, the children continue with their education.

The Progress of the Coco plants was checked while in San Andres. The seeds have spouted. The seedlings look healthy and will be transplanted into the coco fields in July. Full production will be underway in 2-3 years once the plants mature. 

Children's Ministry and Medical Clinic 

The team conducted a medical clinic in El Varillal providing services for approximately 300 men, women and children. Doctors were on site with the team conducting examinations and providing medicine. Government run clinics seldom provide medicine that treats specific illnesses. The medical team were able to provide diagnosis and targeted medications for patient specific needs.  Local church members ministered to each adult as they met with clinic staff. The Gospel message was preached and several adults accepted Jesus as their savior.

Team members provided games, activities, a pinata, food and music for the children. The Gospel was shared with the children. The image above shows children as they came forward to accept Christ into their lives. 

Wedding Bells! 

The team was able to bless couples with wedding supplies and were able to join the ceremony to celebrate. As local couples come to a knowledge of Christ (some who have been together for many years) they decide to honor God through a formal marriage covenant. Many of the couples have very limited resources even for a simple ceremony. The team provided decorations, wedding outfits, cake and gifts for each couple. As news of the ceremony spread,  a total of seven couples gave their lives to Christ wanting to establish their homes under a marriage honored by God. 

Nicaraguan Army Outreach

During the outreach to San Andres the team had an opportunity to pray and share the Gospel with the military members who are stationed along the river. During the visit it was discovered that the guard post provided poor shelter resulting in exposure to rain and weather. The conditions were very difficult for the men to endure. The ministry made arrangements to purchase supplies to complete a roof and enclose the shelter. The act of generosity has opened up partnership providing army escort when needed along the river (helpful in times of unrest) and clearance through checkpoints that have sometimes caused delays in travel. The team will continue to use these opportunities to minister one on one to the military sharing the message of the Gospel. 

The image (Left side) above shows the newly built San Andres Military Guard Post. Less than a month ago the team stood at this very spot. Nothing existed but corner posts. Now because of God's abundance the Army has a shelter that protects the guards form the elements. The word of the teams generosity has spread up the chain of command resulting in great favor for the team. 

Prayer Teams Focus

  • Continued resources to enlarge the scope of community outreaches

  • Continued favor from God to provide resources, partnerships and opportunities to meet the needs of the disabled and those suffering form disease. 

  • Further development of projects along the river and for God to raise up local leaders that will assist in strengthening communities and project goals.

  • God's continued favor and anointing of the Spirit on evangelism and outreach to communities, the military, and those needing hope throughout the nation. 

  • The strengthening of families through a saving knowledge of Christ as well as financial provision, opportunity and health. 

  • Completion of the rehab center in El Jicaro including the development of a full time ministry team for the center. 


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