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Making Dreams Come True!


Disability Outreach

The ministry partnered with FURWUS NICARAGUA, a non profit based out of Managua that provides services to disabled persons. The team received training on assessment protocols focusing on psycho-social narratives to determine the needs of each person. FURWUS NICARAGUA meets physical needs, such as prosthetic limbs and wheel chairs, but also provides services and resources to develop business for individuals that have faced employment challenges due to disability. The assessments reveal not only the physical needs of the person but also a persons hopes and dreams. The goal is to create greater levels of independence and sustainable opportunities for those in need.

The ministry team identified 9 individuals with a variety of needs whom they overtime will provide necessary equipment or resources to make their dreams into a reality. Each of the individuals were given a Gospel of John. As opportunities arise during the visits the team is able to pray and minister to individuals and families. Over the next few months the El Taller del Maestro team will coordinate with FURWUS NICARAGUA to finalize the projects. This type of work takes time for project development, resource acquisition and logistics to fulfil each persons dream. The FURWUS team will communicate cases as they emerge. Periodically the El Taller del Maestro team will accompany the Doctor and technitian to visit cases providing assistance, resources and allowing an opportunity to share the Gospel with each case.

Name: Santa Monica

Dream: Prosthetic leg and to improve her kitchen (kitchen can be seen directly behind her)

History: Lost her leg from a wound due to diabetes, she also has high blood pressure

Name: Marcos Augusto

Dream: Marcos' dream is to open a grocery store to enable him to support his wife and children. Marcos has learned to live without his arm and does not want a prosthetic limb.

History: 1995 while working at a farm he stepped on a mine left from the Nicaraguan Honduran war. When he regained consciousness  after the explosion he faced the reality of a life without an arm.

Name: Oscar

DREAM: To obtain machinery to process coffee to sell in the marketplace.

History: During the war Oscar stepped on a mine while serving in the military resulting in complete facial deformation. He was transferred to Germany from the explosion site in Nicaragua to be treated for his injuries. After Multiple surgeries his face was partially reconstructed. He has a prosthetic left eye that needs replacement. Breathing can be difficult at times due his injuries. Surgery to improve his breathing is very costly and involves a high degree of risk that many physicians in Nicaragua are unwilling to perform.

Name: Agustin

Dream: A new prosthetic leg to replace the damaged limb. Equipment and tools to have his own carpentry business enabling him to be economically sustainable without depending on support from family. To complete his literacy program to be able to read and write.

History: While trimming brush on a property  for his employer he stepped on an abandoned mine left from the military. He laid for two hours before being discovered. The injuries resulted in amputation of his left lower leg. 

Name: Alejandro

DREAM: A prosthetic leg. To obtain resources to reopen his wholesale business.

History: While serving in the military Alejandro lost his left leg as a result of a mine explosion. Prior to loosing his leg he owned a successful wholesale store selling a variety of products. As a result of his injuries he became very depressed and had to sell off his business to pay for the medical expenses associated with his treatment.

Name: Ramon

Dream: A replacement leg. A wheel chair to assist in mobility around his home that will reduce risk of falls. To acquire tools and equipment to open an auto/machinery repair business.

History: Prior to his amputation Ramon was a large equipment driver and mechanic. He lost his leg due to complications from diabetic neuropathy. A splinter in his foot became infected resulting in amputation. He was given a prosthetic leg from FURWUS.  Because of changes in the diameter of his residual limb, the prosthetic no longer fits.  The foot of the prosthetic has been damaged from continual use.

Name: Melbyn Abel (22 yrs old)

Dream: A prosthetic leg and a bicycle to allow him to travel in the neighborhood freely. Melbyn wants to finish high school and complete certification as a barber enabling him to open his own shop.

History: In 2016 Melbyn went to Costa Rica to work in construction to help his parents financially. A few months after beginning work he fell 3 floors catching his leg in the fall resulting in severe damages and amputation.

Name: Gisela (15 yrs old)

Need: Her parents, Sonia and Denis, want to build a room onto their small home to accommodate her needs. A new wheelchair to aid in transferring and movement in the home.

History: Gisela was born with developmental disabilities. Doctors told her parents she would not live into adulthood. Her developmental disabilities resulted in blindness a lack of speech and hearing and inability to walk. Gisela requires 24 hour care to meet her needs. Gisela loves to listen to worship music. This is one of the few things that helps to reduce anxiety in her allowing her to relax.

Name: Luis Emilio

Need: A new prosthetic leg. and a cane to assist with safe ambulation through the mountainous terrain where he lives.  A second guitar so he and his son can earn a living playing music at events.

History: Luis lost his left leg as a result of stepping on an abandoned mine. He was given a leg from FURWUS, due to the rugged mountain environment where he lives the prosthetic has become damaged beyond use.

Luis Emilio's Dream Update

Luis is currently (August 2017) in Managua undergoing therapy and fitting for his new prosthetic leg. FURWUS conducts initial assessments and develops a needs based plan of care. Through partnerships with organizations such as El Taller del Maestro resources are provided to make the dreams a reality. INSS is the partner organization providing funds for Luis' prosthetic and therapy. El Taller del Maestro will assist in providing further resources to continue fulfilling Luis' dreams.

Each prosthetic is custom designed and crafted for the individual. Technicians use the most recent advances in prosthetic treatment to assist patients. Fitting the prosthetic requires multiple adjustments and re-fittings to assure precise fit. Improperly fitted prosthesis can result in falls and injury. The design of prosthetic legs are determined by

body size, height, and foot size. Each prosthetic is as individual as the person it will be used by.

Prayer Teams Focus

  • Prayer for those suffering with Disabilities, restoration of not just bodies but spirits and dreams!

  • Resources that will provide for the specific needs of at risk persons identified through the partnership between El Taller del Maestro and FURWUS.

  • Continued partnership with FURWUS NICARAGUA

  • Opportunities to share the Gospel and give Bibles to those struggling with disabilities and their families.

  • Sustainable opportunities for jobs and income for each individual served

  • That the ministry can help 1000's of dreams come true with the help of a generous and resource rich God!


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