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Oasis del Maestro Addictions Center

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

Grand Opening! The rehabilitation center was licensed by the National Health Department and launched in June of 2021. Since that time the program has began admitting patients. (Updated Info 2023)

At the center of God's heart is the idea of restoration. His redemptive plan restored our broken relationship through Christ's sacrifice providing a new life full of hope and a future. This same redemptive spirit is at work in the ministry through the development of a  Oasis del Maestro Rehabilitation center located in El Jicaro, Nueva Segovia.

See the Development and Construction Timeline Below for a History of the Project.

In the Fall of 2016 building projects began on 16 acres of land owned by the ministry. 6 dorm rooms were constructed providing approximately 75 men and women with housing on the property. A full medical clinic, enlarged kitchen, classrom space and detox facilities were also completed during that time period. The rehabilitaton program is a 24 hour residential program with around the clock nursing, medical detox services, counseling, spirtitual mentoring, and job training provided for residents. The acreage provides a beautiful and peaceful backdrop for residents as they progress through the treatment process.

The vision for Oasis del Maestro is to share the power and redemptive message of the Gospel while providing best practice interventions allowing men and women to live lives free from addiction.

We believe stongly in the power and redemptive capacity of the Gospel. When the message of freedom is united with proven intervention frameworks such as motivational interviewing and the Trans Theoretical model of Change tremendous positive outcomes can occure. Unfolding these interventions in an environment that allows for life changing encounters with the God of Heaven and the Holy Spirt promotes long term change. Deep encounters allow the breaking of addicton bonds and strongholds that devour lives and consume the hope of thousands throuhgout the country of Nicaragua.


About Oasis Del Maestro

Q: How Long Does the Rehabilitation Program Last?

The Core Program lasts for 3 months and has 3 distinct phases. Residents live onsite during this period while completing structured classes, group thearpy, and 1 on 1 counseling. There is an option for some residents to stay longer if they are approved for the supportive living program. The supportive libing program may extend their stay up to a year depending on the needs and goals of an individual.

Q: What does the program consist of?

Medical Detox Program (Phase 1):

The Medical Detox Program is a 1-2 week medically assisted detoxification process completed onsite. Patients are monitored by nurses and a physician 24 hours a day. IV fluids are given at intake, assessments are completed to identify a patient’s detox risk and medications administered to reduce the risk of seizure and adverse events during detox. The first few hours and days are a medically sensitive time and patients are allowed to rest as much as possible as they move through the process. Administrators and the program counselor make initial contact with the patients during this time helping them adjust to a new environment and answer questions as they emerge.

Prime for Life Program (Phase 2):

Prime For Life is a 2-week curriculum that provides patients with a core understanding of addiction and the biological and psychological impacts of long term alcohol and drug use. The classes are conducted by the Medical Director and offer patients the opportunity to ask questions and learn new ideas.

Prime Solutions Addiction Treatment Program (Phase 3):

Prime Solutions is a 60-day group and 1-on- 1 counseling curriculum that patients complete. The Prime Solutions material helps patients understand cravings, triggers, and risk factors as they develop personal techniques that allow them to process day to day challenges without the need for substance use. Patients learn coping techniques and make plans of action to limit their risk of future substance abuse.

Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a multi-month program (patients are able to complete the first 90 days- classes are held on Saturdays). The CR program is well known in the United States and provides unique biblical perspectives related to the traditional 12 step program. This curriculum delves deeply into the core of what drives addiction and provides biblical answers to our sin and bondage.

Alpha is a video based and group discussion program (16 sessions) that helps patients understand core biblical ideas (Who is God? What is the Bible? What is Grace? Sin?). This program opens up some deep conversations related to resident’s personal beliefs and past encounters with “Church and Religion”. The series allows the program facilitator to guide patients into an understanding of God and how they relate to Him.

Special Topic Courses on communication, anger management, relationships, goals etc. are provided as well. These courses are 1–2-hour presentations with group discussions and illustrative activities to help patients increase their understanding of important life concepts.

Daily Devotions and Worship is provided each morning. Residents gather in the morning before breakfast and classes to read and listen to a daily devotion and scripture. Time is spent in prayer and singing with worship lyrics projected onto the classroom TV. There are also weekly faith-based movies on Sunday evenings. These movies are a big hit with residents who often request to watch them a second time.

Individual Goals. Each Patient assists in developing individual goals and attend 1-on-1 counseling sessions throughout the week to track progression in the program and identify individual areas for improvement.

Daily activities and projects are completed outside of the classes. Residents enjoy playing soccer and basketball, card games and assisting in building projects and coffee production. Activities allow for fun as well as the development of social skills and the inevitable need for conflict resolution. Living in community is a big change for many of the patients allowing even basic daily tasks to become important learning opportunities. Program staff are always onsite to guide and direct as patients navigate day to day living.

Job/Skill Training is provided on an as need basis. Residents can learn new skills such as welding, coffee production, construction and other skills as they assist with projects around the property.

Supportive Living Program

The supportive living program is designed to provide additional support for residents who are transitioning from the program to life in the surrounding communities. This program is flexible and allows residents to stay onsite while they begin to work or take classes in the community. Onsite living allows a safe place for residents as they develop individual coping skills and mature in their understanding of low-risk choices. Regular weekly counseling support is provided as residents encounter real world situations that may act as triggers. Residents can develop ongoing personal plans of action to navigate challenging situations. Without this support it is easy to fall back into the unhealthy patterns that lead to continued substance abuse.

Q: What does it cost to stay at the Rehab?

Oasis del Maestro DOES NOT charge a fee for Rehabilitation Services. Families are provided an opportunity to give donations during their loved ones stay, but it is not a requirement. Many families have blessed the Ministry with gifts and past residents have also come back to help plant crops and donate items for those in need. While these services are free to residents and their families, monthly operational costs exceed $5000 dollars (U.S) each month. This cost includes 15 full time employees, medication, full room and board, utilities, grooming supplies and many addition costs encountered on a case-by-case situation.

Q: How is the Rehabilitation Center Funded?

While we have a wonderful team of giving partners, donations account for less than 1% of the annual expenses to fund the Ministry and its outreaches. Since the inception of the Ministry, funds have been provided through business profits.

Beginning in 2019 we started developing short term property rentals in Asheville NC. (The U.S. Base of Operations for the Minsitry). The profits from vacation rentals help to cover the monthly operational costs for Oasis del Maestro. Our property development projects will enable us to fund the Ministry into the future, providing long term financial stability and the opportunity for expansion as needed.

The following properties are available for rent on Airbnb

(Click the links to visit the Airbnb booking platform)

Upcoming properties

  • The Ridge House at Fields of Grace (3 BR + 2 BA) (Launching Jan 2024) - 12.7 Miles from Downtown Asheville

  • Fields of Grace at Reynolda (3 BR 3 1/2 BA) (TBA) - 6.6 Miles from Downtown Asheville

  • The Tiny Cabin Project (TBA)

Q: How successful has the program been so far?

This may be the most difficult question to answer……when working in the addictions field we come face to face on a weekly, if not daily bases with the harsh reality of addiction. For many it is a painfully difficult bondage to break. According to data from the American Addiction Centers:

“Relapse rates for drug and alcohol use resemble those of other chronic diseases, including hypertension and diabetes with an estimated 40-60% of individuals relapsing while in recovery. For individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), a medical condition defined by the uncontrollable use of alcohol despite negative consequences, only about one-third attempt to quit drinking each year. Of those, only about 25% are successful at reducing their alcohol intake for more than a year.” (Source: Americans Addicitons Centers)

The reality is that success is difficult to measure, at least in the normal way we define it. We often think in purely binary terms, “is someone clean or are they using drugs or alcohol?”, “drunk or sober?”. While someone may not be currently using drugs or alcohol, for many it is only time until they do. What causes relapse? It is complicated, but most often due to deeply rooted patterns of behavior that have not yet changed. The result is after a period of sobriety large percentages of individuals suffering with addiction “relapse”. When relapse occures we often incorrectly think that someone has "backslid" or "gone backwards". In reality the core of who they are has not yet changed and thier high risk patterns of behavior, often shaped trough decades of high-risk choices are still present. Sobriety does not necessarily guarantee success, but deep internal change reshapping core patterns of behavior has the greatest potential for long term success. It is not easy. It is messy. It takes time. The only sustainable path for complete healing is to allow the Lord to work from the inside out untill completely changed.

Over the last year we have discovered that success is far more complicated and at times difficult to recognize. Relapse is an unfortunate reality for many in their journey of recovery. Success is more importantly defined by the opportunities the Ministry has to speak into the lives of those that desperately need to hear the truth that they are loved, forgiven, and have a purpose far greater than they have ever imagined.

A measure of success for the Rehab center is more importantly understood by the number of inputs we have the opportunity to make into the lives of each resident. Each day is filed with opportunities to impact their life, the way they think about themselves, and the vision they have for their future.

During a 3 month time period (making a minimum of 5 distinct inputs into each resident daily) program staff are able to engage residents and provide at least 500 positive inputs during thier stay (likely more). Daily inputs may be as simple as daily devotionals, prayer, classes/group therapy, 1on 1 counseling, mentoring, group activities, learning projects, outreach opportunities, peer mentoring etc.

Each of these daily inputs have a powerful and cumulative potential for change. Slowly, day by day we witness residents come alive as life emerges in their once cloudy eyes, smiles begin to brighten their faces, and hope is gradually restored. Success is found in the simplest of moments and hope is the culmination of those moments over time.

Have we seen success? Most definitely. Have we seen heartache? Unfortunately, yes. Both heartache and success drive us on as we “leave the 99 to look for the one”

Q: What does the upcomming months look like for the program?

Program Goal: Expand Impact

This last year we have had 52 residents that engaged in services. The property itself has the capacity to house 50 residents at a single time. Our monthly totals (in the first 18 months of operation) have averaged 10-15 throughout this last year with periods where only a small handful of residents were on site. This ebb and flow of resident numbers is somewhat natural as individuals progress through the program and graduate or move on for an assortment of reasons. We hope to increase our average monthly census to at least 25 . This level of care will require the addition of a second counselor and other support staff. The experience of this first year has been critical for refining and adapting processes allowing us to deliver quality services.

Program Goal: Targeted Marketing

The residents that have engaged in services this last year discovered the rehab center organically through word of mouth and individual referrals. This year we will do targeted marketing to increase the average census as well as street ministry (Soup Kitchens)

Program Goal: Increase Post Treatment Contact & Support

This contact will primarily be conducted through telehealth counseling support to aid in residents’ transitions back into their normal daily routines. Other important predictors of post treatment success are linkages with local churches and mentors providing accountability and support as needed. The process of re-integration into daily life is often very difficult and places some residents at risk of relapse.

Program Goal: Develop Prevention Programs & Community Support Networks

The best way to decrease the addiciton problem is to solve it before it begins. Prevention programs are critical steps that must be taken to redirect behaivor early, before patterns of addiction progress. The Prime for Life program (utlilized in Phase 2 of the program) is a prevention program that can be conducted in communities and with vulnerable populations. This program can be combined with football (soccer) outreaches in underserved populations. These football outreaches were successful in previous years and would be strengthened by linkage with prevention education.


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