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The Least of the Least!

At the core of El Taller del Maestro is the passion to share the Gospel with those in need. It is often the least of the least, the forgotten ones, that live their entire lives without the Hope of Christ. In the book of Acts, Jesus tells his disciples:

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth [Acts 1:8 NKJV]

El Taller del Maestro Team has taken this command very literally. The team travels great distances into remote regions of Nicaragua, over rugged roads, dangerous river crossings, sometimes by foot, and by boat along remote rivers flanked by mountains and jungles with no road access . The need is great in Nicaragua, sometimes overwhelmingly great. Though the team is met with need wherever they travel, most outreaches focus on those who are in the greatest need, identifying those at risk, and often without hope or basic resources to sustain themselves and their families. While the average Nicaraguan makes approximately $2 per day, nearly half of the population, especially in rural areas (where the Ministry often conducts outreaches), live on less than a $1 a day. It is the poorest of the poor, those with the greatest needs that the team reaches with food, resources, sustainable micro business, and most importantly..........the Gospel!

Mid July the team traveled along the Rio Coco River bordering Honduras. They visited San Andres to check ongoing projects. A list of community members who were considered at risk, many who were widows, was provided to the team. Baskets of food and home supplies were given to them. Many of the women (often middle-aged or elderly) indicated to the team that they had never had some of the items they were given in their homes. They had lived, some of them a lifetime, with very little. The team was able to share the Gospel with each of the women, telling them of God's Love, Grace and Forgiveness.

Opportunities such as this allow the team to reveal the hope found in the Gospel sharing the message of Love and significance to those who feel forgotten.

God's heart is one of Generosity, unending love and hope for a life of abundance found in him. Acts of Love, Generosity and kindness such as this provide a clear picture of God's heart. The team acts as the very hands and the feet of Christ to people without hope."

Prayer Teams Focus (The Poor)

  • Prayer for the poor, those that have difficulty obtaining even the most basic needs for survival.  

  • The development of sustainable micro businesses (farming, baking, trades, etc.) that will provide long-term income for individuals and families.

  • Access to needed medicines and medical care.

  • Sufficient homes, clean water, and sanitation systems.

  • Supplies and resources for impoverished children to attend school.

  • Prayer that the Gospel will be shared with everyone who will listen. That revelation of the hope found in Christ will bring not just physical, but spiritual abundance to the poor.


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