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Disabilities Outreaches

In August 2017 the ministry partnered with FURWUS NICARAGUA, a non profit based out of Managua that provides services to disabled persons.

The team received training on assessment protocols focusing on psycho-social narratives to determine the needs of each person. FURWUS NICARAGUA meets physical needs, such as prosthetic limbs and wheel chairs, but also provides services and resources to develop business for individuals that have faced employment challenges due to disability. The assessments reveal not only the physical needs of the person but also a persons hopes and dreams. The goal is to create greater levels of independence and sustainable opportunities for those in need. FURWUS is an organization that facilitates the assessment, therapy, fitting of the prosthetic legs and development of opportunities for financial sustainability.

The organization depends 100% on outside sources for funding. This partnership will permit FURWUS to continue providing services and allows the ministry to utilize the organization's technical expertise. As the ministry engages with each case, individuals and families will have an opportunity to hear the message of the Gospel and experience the Love of God.

Made with Purpose

For you formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:13,14)

The ministry team identified 9 individuals with a variety of needs that will be provided necessary equipment or resources to make their dreams into a reality. Each of the individuals were given a Gospel of John. As opportunities arise during the visits the team is able to pray and minister to individuals and families. Over the next few months the El Taller del Maestro team will coordinate with FURWUS NICARAGUA to finalize the projects. This type of work takes time for project development, resource acquisition and logistics to fulfil each person's dream. The FURWUS team will communicate cases as they emerge. Periodically the El Taller del Maestro team will accompany the Doctor and technician to visit cases providing assistance, resources and allowing an opportunity to share the Gospel with each case.


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