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Youth Outreaches

Many area churches have alienated the youth because of the way they dress and the music they listen to. This has resulted in many of the youth turning away from church to a life of drugs and unhealthy behavior.

The youth outreach offers a safe and inclusive environment for young adults, full of Grace and engaging ministry. Many youth are receptive, some have committed their lives to Christ since the ministry began!


Unfortunately, though God has been blessing the youth outreaches, the ministry has encountered great opposition from some of the area churches. They resent the involvement of the youth, blaming the ministry for "stealing" the young adults from the churches. In reality these same youth were already absent and uninvolved due to the condemning attitudes of the congregations.

A central philosophy of El Taller del Maestro ministry is to empower area churches and support their efforts in the communities.

Though their is great opposition, God has opened connections with a few life affirming churches who are partnering with the ministry.


Many of the youth struggle with drug and alcohol addictions. As the youth program develops and relationships continue to grow, the program can be used as a link to the Rehab Center. This link will allow youth to become involved in addiction counseling, scriptural mentoring, job training providing long term hope and a sustainable future.

The fields in El Jicaro are ripe for harvest, pray that the Lord of the harvest will send more workers so that revival can sweep the region!


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