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Rehab Construction Update

Though much of the economic sector and transportation in Nicaragua has come to a halt due to ongoing violence since April, construction continues on the Rehab Center in El Jicaro, Nicaragua. God’s perfect will and provision has permitted the work to continue without delays. Prior to the unrest in the country, the Ministry purchased the remaining materials needed for the construction projects. Just a couple of months before blockades halted transportation throughout the country, the materials were delivered on site. El Jicaro has remained relatively un-impacted by the violence allowing construction to continue safely. This August marks a year since construction of the Women’s Rehab Building broke ground. Today the roof is complete, stairs have been erected up to the third floor and interior finishing has started. The men’s building is moving closer to being completely finished as ceilings, fixtures and tiling comes to an end.

" For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " - Romans 8:38-39

Even though ministry teams from the United States have temporarily discontinued travel to Nicaragua, outreaches continue through God’s Grace and the faithful hearts of team members living in Nicaragua. The Ministry has received requests since April asking for assistance with youth soccer outreaches in Ocotal. Many of these youth struggle with addiction and belong to opposing gangs in various sectors of the community. These groups often violently interact when not on the field, but through God’s Grace and provision, the Ministry has been able to provide resources and supplies to support these outreaches.

We believe that God has ordained this time of unrest within the country and the Rehab Center Project to coincide. The need has never been greater in the country as it is today. A great “awakening” has occurred in Nicaragua igniting a sense of national solidarity that has not been seen for decades, if ever. The ministry stands poised and ready to assist those who are broken, lost, and without hope in the country. As the Nation rebuilds and people’s hearts continue to turn towards God, we believe that the Rehab Center will be a place of healing and hope to the broken providing a pathway to a future found only in Christ!

As the situation in Nicaragua continues to unfold, we will continue to believe that God is in control and that in His time the country will once again become safe to travel within. In the mean time, we continue to be faithful in prayer and spreading the story of the Ministry. Once the Rehabilitation Center opens, the need for financial partners will become critical. The Ministry’s operating budget will more than double as the Rehab Center becomes operational in 2019. As we transition into this season of ministry growth and expansion, we will continue to be fully dependent on God’s provision. The ministry exists as a result of God’s unending faithfulness and we are confident that He will continue to provide needed finances through new and developing partnerships worldwide.

Connections are the key to developing partnerships! As you continue to keep us in your prayers we ask that you also help spread the story of the Ministry. As you share your testimony and stories of personal ministry with those around you, remember to share the story of Jesus’ Workshop!

Prayer Teams Focus

  • Pray that Nicaragua will emerge stronger and more resilient form this time of civil unrest.

  • That lives would be forever changed as a result of these trials.

  • Pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ would be preached to every heart that is open to hear, and that the message of Grace would be heard by all!

  • That the country will become stable and teams would be free to travel safely from the United States.

  • Pray that God would open the heavens and that financial provision would pour out in abundance to meet every need the Ministry encounters

  • Pray that God would raise up financial partners and ministry staff that will lead programs at the Rehab Center. Continue to believe that God will call the faithful, and anoint their lives with the calling that God has spoken over their lives since before their birth!


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