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Women's Rehab Center

Updated: Jun 5, 2018

Redemption is central not only in the story of those brought back to God, but also the property where the Rehab Center is Located. God takes what "was" and  Redeems it making all things new!

The very property where the Rehab Center is located is a story of God's redemptive purpose! Prior to God's Vision for a Rehab center, the property housed a lucrative restaurant and bar. Hundreds would come on the weekends and holidays to drink and dance. When the decision to close the bar was made, the decision was met with bewilderment by the community and a significant loss of revenue.

God can take the broken places of our lives and redeem them for His Glory

The property has now been sanctified by a promise from God and redeemed. God can take the broken places of our lives and redeem them for His Glory. Now the property is set apart as a place for restoration and healing, a place where the chains of addiction will be broken and lives will be forever changed by a informational encounter with Christ.

The story of the property is a perfect example of our lives as believers. We were once far from God, but a single encounter that results in a changed heart brings God's favor and restoration into our lives.

This is the central story of the Gospel. God loved us in the midst of our sin, even before we loved Him. It was His Grace that moved allowing us to be set free!

That same story continues to this day, and will be written on the hearts of each person who comes to the Rehab Center seeking a new life and freedom through Christ!


It has been said that when you have a dream that is God sized, it requires God to be involved. If not, the dream will collapse. This is especially true with the building of the Rehab Center in El Jicaro. God has been faithful over the last 5 years allowing the Ministry founder to privately fund the expanding projects and the development of the Rehab Centers. Less than 1% of the total expenses has come from external donations.

The extensive outlay of resources has required both faith and sacrifice to accomplish the work God has ordained. As God speaks over this new season of the Ministry he is reminding us that HIS DREAMS are only possible with HIM! As the ministry continues to prepare for the launch of the Rehab center this year, it is evident that the work has grown beyond what any one individual can sustain. If a single word could capture the direction of 2018 that word would be ......


While God is fully capable in and of himself and does not "need" anyone to fulfill His plans.......He does choose to work in partnership with His creation. It is this process of leaning in and working with God under His authority, in His will, and through His power that accomplishes not only His plan but maybe just as importantly, His plan in our own lives. God is looking for men and women who are obedient to His desires. He is pleased by those that hear His call and respond simply with...."Here am I Send me!"

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying,"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"And I said, "Here am I, Send me!"(Isaiah 6:8 NIV)

With the growth and expansion of the Ministry, God is providing opportunity for individuals, churches, organizations and even communities to partner with His plan for Nicaragua. The ongoing work in Nicaragua is an opportunity for individuals to express their faith, to be generous with financial resources, time, talents and prayer. The Devine opportunity to partner with God in His plan of Redemption and Salvation is the opportunity where true purpose can be found and significance is measured on an eternal scale.

And He said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."  (Luke 10:2 ESV)

2018 Brings amazing opportunities for partnership as the Ministry continues to be the hands and Feet of Jesus, providing hope in Christ and revealing the Glory of God to those lost in darkness. This year could be the year that YOU ANSWER THE CALL......"HERE AM I, SEND ME!"

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Prayer Teams Focus

  • Pray that God will open the door of partnership with individuals, churches, organizations and communities.

  • That resources would be provided to accomplish the plan God has set forth for the Ministry.

  • Pray that hearts would be burdened for the lost and lives would be surrendered fully to God's will.

  • That opportunities would be opened for ministry leaders to share what God is doing through the Ministry at churches and organizations throughout the country.

  • Pray that individuals, families, churches and organizations would become regular financial supporters of the Ministry, opening up opportunities for hundreds of thousands of people each year to hear the Gospel and step into a new life in Christ free from the bondage of sin and addictions.


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